November Heart Arrow Pet-Pourri

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“Helping you protect your pets”   

What is Heartworm Disease?
(And when should I protect my pet?)

If you travel outside the Pacific Northwest with your pets, you must consider protecting them against Heartworm disease (refer to the forecasted prevalence map). Heartworm disease is caused by the parasite Dirofilaria immitis. The parasite has multiple life stages andImage result for prevalence of heartworm mapis transmitted when your pet is bitten by an infected mosquito. The small larval form of the worm will travel through the dog or cat’s body, maturing as it migrates into the chambers of the heart, where the adult worm can live for several years! Heartworms can cause problems with breathing, heart failure and possible death. The disease is not contagious to other pets and the worms can’t survive in the environment. There is an increase in prevalence of Heartworm disease in warmer, more humid areas of the United States (see map). Avoiding mosquito breeding areas, such as standing water, can help reduce exposure. Treatment of heartworm infection is available, but it can be very dangerous. Prevention is a better option. Many effective heartworm preventive medications are available for your pets in both oral and topical applications. Most medications require a negative heartworm test result before administering the medication. This test is necessary to protect your pet from sudden death if active worms in the heart die and become lodged in the chest. Discuss the options for prevention with your vet BEFORE you travel with your pets!


No Bones!

Most dogs would love a nice bone that is tossed their way. However, bones can be a source of many problems for your dog. Hard bones can break a dog’s teeth, exposing sensitive nerve roots, causing intense pain, and often requiring tooth extraction. Round bones have a unique ability to get stuck on a dog’s lower jaw leading to a frenzied attempt by the dog and the owners to remove the bone. Bones of any size can get stuck between teeth, against the palate, and in the stomach or intestines. That’s why veterinarians frequently recommend rawhide digestible chews and/or toys specifically designed for a dog’s strong jaws. Always monitor your dogs while they chew any treat or toy to make sure they don’t swallow it too quickly and choke.

Thanksgiving Holiday Hours

7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 22

Closed Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23

7:30 a.m.- 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 24

8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 25

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