Home for the holidays! Give your pet the gift of a microchip!
A family pet is lost every two seconds. That’s millions of pets every year! Identifying your pet is vital to their recovery when they have wandered from home. Collars with tags are a great means of identification, but can be removed, inadvertently fall off, or become worn and unreadable. Technology has allowed us to permanently identify your pet with a tiny microchip placed under the skin. A personal identification number in a computer database allows you to be contacted when your pet’s number is scanned. This global recovery network has saved millions of lost pets, and can allow you to have peace of mind. Previously we reunited a lost cat with her owner using a microchip ID after eight years of separation! Contact us at 924-4558 if you would like a microchip placed in your pet.MICROCHIP PET IDENTIFICATION35% OFF Throughout DECEMBER!!This special includes AVID Microchip placement in your pet and lifetime registration
Q: Who delivers Christmas presents to dogs?A: Santa PawsQ: Who delivers Christmas presents to cats?A: Santa Claws! Cold Weather Reminders:
The Staff at Heart Arrow Veterinary Servicewishes you and all your family members the happiest,safest, and healthiest holiday season ever!To allow our staff to celebrate the holidays with their families,the following adjusted clinic hours will be: Closed December 23, 24, & 25 Closed Dec. 30, 31 & Jan. 1
Dr. Pat Cheryl Alex
It will be over soon! Thank you everyone for yourpatience as the Heart Arrow clinic undergoes much needed renovation.